A well-known writer to an award winning novel has found himself being publicly attacked by family members of Malhotra when he decided to dedicate his status on Facebook to the film. The writer expressed that he did not enjoy the film and in fact walked out during the intermission. After dozen of his friends agreed with him, a family member to the director who happened to be a common friend to the writer added that his views were hardly credible and blasted him for giving him his opinion on the film. As a paying audience, the writer expressed that he is allowed form any judgment on the film. It was then that another family member got involved and decided to bring down the writer by calling his book "crassy" among many other names. Fans and readers to the novel took immense offense to this outburst by Punit's family members and took it upon themselves as they responded to the director's family members.
And it doesn't end there. Shobhaa De too has found herself being attacked for her criticism of the film. In her review of I Hate Luv Storys, the popular novelist called the film "plain unimaginative" and wondered how producer Karan Johar "approved of such a script." She also added if she did see the director of the "excruciating pointless film" she would "spank him." Malhotra and actress to the film Sonam Kapoor were not too thrilled with her criticism and in an act of rebuttal the director tweeted, "Guys pls don't take Shobha De seriuosly. She's a fossil who's getting no action and going through menopause. So just for her...Ma'am I AM WAITING TO BE 'SPANKED' IN PUBLIC... Ha ha ha" Very soon later, leading lady Sonam retweeted his comment. Of course, no one was surprised when the tweets were deleted only moments later.
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