Jon Harris had edited the critically acclaimed film Being Cyrus directed by Homi Adajania with Saif. Recently, while giving interviews for the promotion of the film The Descent 2 he was asked a question about one actor with whom he would like to work with and why. To this Jon Harris quickly replied “Saif Ali Khan. I haven’t met him but I loved his role in a film for which I was an editor. The film is called Being Cyrus and my friend Homi told me that it was a critically-acclaimed movie in India. I am looking forward to work with the actor if I get an opportunity.”
When asked about Saif, Jon says, “Saif has this unique feature he can look young, at the same time mature. I would have loved to cast him in this horror film, but apparently the story had no male actors in a prominent role and it was a sequel so there has to be a continuation. I look at him as the Wolverine ie., Hugh Jackman of India and am really looking forward to direct him as soon as I get a green signal for my next projects as director.”
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