Some other names on the list include former IPL chairman Lalit Modi’s son Ruchir and daughter Aliya, Narayan Rane’s PAs Ravi Kamath and Ravi Shedge, Balasaheb Thackeray’s PA Ravindra Mhatre and politician-turned-reality-star Rahul Mahajan. Among those whose security has been downgraded are Lalit Modi and his wife Minal; former home minister Jayant Patil's family; lawyer Majid Memon; and politicians Nawab Malik and Suresh Prabhu.
"For each policeman deployed to protect a personality, the public exchequer spends Rs 17,000 a month," said an officer from the Protection Branch. "By that account, over Rs 25 lakh was being spent every month on these 54 people. Close to Rs 10 lakh has been saved by downgrading the security of 24 people," he added.
The RTI reply says that immediately after the protection was withdrawn, at least 11 people made official applications for a review based on alleged fresh threats. "And those are just official figures. Our phone lines are inundated with calls from people claiming to have received fresh threats. Many of these claims are either plain lies or self-generated threats.
Roaming around with police protection has become a status symbol for many people. It is taking a toll on the force which is already reeling under a shortage of manpower," added another senior officer. There are also several businessmen and policemen who enjoyed state security and have now been taken off the list.
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